Your Guernsey Dentist – The Guernsey Smile Centre

Your Guernsey Dentist – The Guernsey Smile Centre
Dental Practice & Specialist Oral Surgery Clinic

Keeping You Smiling (Our Complaints Policy)

At The Guernsey Smile Centre we aim to deliver care and service that exceeds your expectations every time you decide to visit us.

Should you ever feel that we’ve not met that aim we want to hear from you!

It’s always our preference to try and resolve issues through an open and transparent conversation. We are confident most issues can be solved easily between our patients and team members.

Your key contacts will be Alex Kottenhahn (Practice Principal) and/or Zoe Pinchmain (Practice Manager). Alex and Zoe will work with you to address your concerns to the very best of their ability. Our experience with complaints may be limited, but we will work together to get things sorted. We will, of course, acknowledge your correspondence and aim to do so within 3 business days.

Contact us to arrange a chat via our contact page and include the word “Complaint” at the start of your message or simply call us in business hours on 01481 728701.

If you prefer to make your complaint in writing you can post to:

Guernsey Smile Centre (Complaint)

La Tourgand House, Lower Pollet
Guernsey, GY1 1WL

In the unlikely event that we cannot reach a satisfactory outcome, The Guernsey Smile Centre is overseen by the General Dental Council and they can give you further guidance.

The General Dental Council offers the following guidance on complaints via their website.